Yampa Sounds . Video/Sound Design . 2013 . 3 mins 42 secs
The Yampa River in Northwest Colorado is considered the last major wild and free-flowing river of the American West, relatively free of damming, unclaimed and not diverted. Yampa Sounds is an abstracted “waterscape” with reflected light and color of the river’s rare riparian forest. The sounds of the water are recorded at various points along the river’s path. Also captured are environmental sounds of the wind in the Cottonwoods, Sandhill Cranes and Geese in migration, Elk bugling, and a thunderstorm rolling through the river valley.
The Yampa River contributes into the Colorado River by way of the Green River. The Yampa is a state and interstate resource and local agencies along with businesses and conservancy groups, are standing firm in opposition to water-rights bids to divert water for energy oil-shale development. With severe drought conditions, municipal and agriculture demands, and water shortages in the west, struggles for water continue.
Taped on location: Yampa River, Hayden and Steamboat Springs, CO
Special Thanks to: The Nature Conservancy, Carpenter Ranch, Colorado Art Ranch, Grant Pound, Peggy Lawless, Betsy, Geoff, Sarah, Anna, Kaiya Blakeslee, Susan Knight, Joseph Chinnock, Kenneth Hinegardner, Antoinette LaFarge, S.A. Bachman, Bonnie Porter.
Video still prints available upon request
11 x 16 and 24 x 30
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